Missing docstring.

Missing docstring for DbId. Check Documenter's build log for details.

Missing docstring.

Missing docstring for SQLType. Check Documenter's build log for details.

Missing docstring.

Missing docstring for AbstractModel. Check Documenter's build log for details.

Missing docstring.

Missing docstring for SQLColumns. Check Documenter's build log for details.

SQLWhereExpression(sql_expression::String, values::T)
SQLWhereExpression(sql_expression::String[, values::Vector{T}])

Constructs an instance of SQLWhereExpression, replacing the ? placeholders inside sql_expression with properly quoted values.


julia> SQLWhereExpression("slug LIKE ?", "%julia%")

|            key |       value |
|      condition |         AND |
| sql_expression | slug LIKE ? |
|         values |   '%julia%' |

julia> SQLWhereExpression("id BETWEEN ? AND ?", [10, 20])

|            key |              value |
|      condition |                AND |
| sql_expression | id BETWEEN ? AND ? |
|         values |              10,20 |

julia> SQLWhereExpression("question LIKE 'what is the question\?'")

|            key |                                  value |
|      condition |                                    AND |
| sql_expression | question LIKE 'what is the question?'  |
|         values |                                        |
Missing docstring.

Missing docstring for SQLWhereEntity. Check Documenter's build log for details.

SQLQuery( columns = SQLColumn[],
          where   = SQLWhereEntity[],
          limit   = SQLLimit("ALL"),
          offset  = 0,
          order   = SQLOrder[],
          group   = SQLColumn[],
          having  = SQLWhereEntity[])

Returns a new instance of SQLQuery.


julia> SQLQuery(where = [SQLWhereExpression("id BETWEEN ? AND ?", [10, 20])], offset = 5, limit = 5, order = :title)

|     key |                                                        value |
| columns |                                                              |
|   group |                                                              |
|  having | Union{SearchLight.SQLWhere,SearchLight.SQLWhereExpression}[] |
|   limit |                                                            5 |
|  offset |                                                            5 |
|         |                                        SearchLight.SQLOrder[ |
|         |                                         SearchLight.SQLOrder |
|         |                                      +===========+=========+ |
|         |                                      |       key |   value | |
|   order |                                                 +========... |
|         |  Union{SearchLight.SQLWhere,SearchLight.SQLWhereExpression}[ |
|         |                               SearchLight.SQLWhereExpression |
|   where |                                                 +========... |
Missing docstring.

Missing docstring for SQLHaving. Check Documenter's build log for details.

Missing docstring.

Missing docstring for @sql_str. Check Documenter's build log for details.